提取BBO比赛的结果 v1.2.0

BBO Extractor(提取BBO比赛的结果) v1.2.0

  • 版本:v1.2.0
  • 大小:20.86 KB
  • 语言:English
  • 更新:2021-05-19 16:20:03
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BBO Extractor是一款BBO类别的chrome浏览器插件,目前更新的版本为v1.2.0,语言支持为English,BBO类别插件评分9.8,目前已被201人关注,本插件由董嘉木 上传分享。


这个扩展提取的结果和手记录从BBO比赛点或交叉imp对比赛。它将结果以CSV文件和PBN文件的形式存储在浏览器的Downloads文件夹中。提取完整的排名、记分卡和旅行者细节。从BBO用户名到真实姓名的转换将自动执行,如果名称文件提供。生成契约和最佳契约/分数自动计算,并包含在PBN文件中。然后使用Excel宏(BBOtoXML,可在bridgeesolver .co.uk免费获得)将电子表格转换成XML文件,以便上传到桥接结果网站。注意,交叉导入对支持需要BBOtoXML v1.1或更高版本。



如果一个名称转换文件是打开在一个单独的选项卡的过程中,可以使用这个转换为BBO用户名到真实的名字。文件名文件的扩展名应该是.txt,可以在浏览器选项卡中通过输入Ctrl+O和浏览找到并打开该文件。在点击BBX图标之前,请确保比赛结果标签在前台。注意,要使用名称转换功能,您必须手动启用“允许访问文件url”的扩展详细信息。要做到这一点,点击chrome浏览器菜单按钮,并选择“更多工具/扩展”。点击BBO Extractor条目的“Details”按钮,向下滚动找到“Allow access to File URLs”设置,然后将滑块移动到“on”位置。文件名文件必须是以下格式:




This extension extracts the results and hand records from a BBO matchpoint or cross-imp pairs tournament. It stores the result as a CSV file and PBN file in the browser's Downloads folder. Full ranking, scorecard, and traveller details are extracted. Conversion from BBO usernames to real names is carried out automatically if a names file is supplied. Makeable contracts and optimum contracts/scores are calculated automatically and included in the PBN file. An Excel macro (BBOtoXML, available free at bridgesolver.co.uk) is then used to convert the spreadsheet into an XML file for upload to a bridge results website. Note that cross imp pairs support requires BBOtoXML v1.1 or later.

       To start the process, navigate to a BBO tournament page, as displayed in the screenshot, and click on the extension's icon (a BBX symbol). For the extension to be able to access the BBO scorecards you must be logged in to "Hand Records" with a BBO account (any valid account will suffice, it does not have to be an account used in the tournament). If you are not logged in you will be prompted to do so. The icon will change colour when the startup is successful.

       For a typical sized tournament, the process will run for a minute or two, as it retrieves a scorecard page every 3 seconds (to avoid loading BBO). If a retrieval produces an error response it is automatically retried. At the end of the process the results and hand records are saved as a CSV file and PBN file respectively, in the browser's Downloads folder. If you want to terminate the extraction process before it is complete, click on the BBX icon a second time.

       If a names conversion file is open in a separate tab the process can use this to convert BBO usernames into real names. The names file should have a .txt extension, and can be opened in the browser tab by entering Ctrl+O and browsing to locate and open the file. Make sure that the tournament's results tab is in the foreground before clicking on the BBX icon. Note that to use the name conversion functionality you must manually enable "Allow access to File URLs" in the extension details. To do this, click on the chrome browser menu button, and select "More Tools/Extensions". Click on the "Details" button of the BBO Extractor entry and scroll down to find the "Allow access to File URLs" setting, then move the slider to the On position. The names file must be in the following format:



where bboname is a user's name on BBO, followed by first name and surname of the user in separate fields. The ID field is optional and, if present, is the ID of the player (e.g. EBU national ID)












我运行的是windows 10桌面。我们团队的另一名成员成功提取了文件



