关键字无处不在-关键字工具 v7.10

Keywords Everywhere - Keyword Tool(关键字无处不在-关键字工具) v7.10

  • 版本:v7.10
  • 大小:245 KB
  • 语言:English
  • 更新:2021-03-19 15:54:04
点击下载 360通过 腾讯通过 金山通过
Keywords Everywhere - Keyword Tool是一款关键字类别的chrome浏览器插件,目前更新的版本为v7.10,语言支持为English,关键字类别插件评分8.6,目前已被141人关注,本插件由隗文栋 上传分享。









- YouTube -数据显示在搜索框下

- Bing -数据显示在搜索框下


- Ebay -数据显示在搜索框下


- Soovle.com -数据显示在每个关键字旁边的所有页面

- KeywordShitter.com -数据显示在主要文本区域下的关键字


- Moz打开网站浏览器-锚文本报告


The Keywords Everywhere extension is an SEO keyword research tool that shows you useful google keyword search volume and cost per click data on multiple websites. This tool saves you the hassle of copying data from various websites and using the google adwords keyword planner to see relevant search volume and cpc data.

These websites are currently supported. As we support more websites, we will add them to the list below.

- Google Search - data shown under the searchbox and in the right hand side (People also ask for & related keywords)

- Google Search Console - data shown in the Search Analytics page

- Google Analytics - data shown in the Organic and Search Engine Optimization -> Queries pages

- Google Trends - data shown in the queries widget

- Google Search - data shown under main keyword as well as related searches

- YouTube - data shown under the search box

- Bing - data shown under the search box

- Amazon - data shown under the search box

- Ebay - data shown under the search box

- AnswerThePublic.com - data shown in popup on each spoke of the wheel, data also shown in the alphabetic listings

- Soovle.com - data shown next to each keyword all over the page

- KeywordShitter.com - data shown under the main text area next to keywords

- Majestic - Anchor Text Report

- Moz Open Site Explorer - Anchor Text Report

The tool also allows the user to get keyword metrics for any list of keywords and also lets the user download the list in Excel, CSV or PDF file formats.

If you would like to see the keyword data on any other website, please send in your suggestions to akash@keywordseverywhere.com. Please keep the following points in your mind. 


- The data shown on YouTube, Bing, Amazon and eBay is the search data for Google.com

- This keyword tool sends your keywords to our server in order to get back the keyword data. We do not save this data or any other personal information. If you prefer not to send this data on certain websites, you can choose to disable the extension for those websites from the options page.

- This extension may also show you links to our products or products that we are affiliated with. These links will only be to products that we own, or ones that we believe will be useful to users of this extension.


- Fixed issues with Google Search Console

- Supported amazon.fr

- Supported ebay.fr

- Fixed issue with error messages shown when extension is corrupt


- Added ability to choose clickstream data

- Fixed issue with Amazon

- Fixed issue with Search Console 


- Fixed bug with Google search widgets

- Fixed bug with Keyword Shitter


- Fixed issue with Google's new fixed search header

- Fixed issue with Google Images search

- Changed file names for export from search widgets

- Show keywords as links in Google search widgets


- Fix the People also search for widget

- Fix issue with AnswerThePublic

- Works on new SSL enabled KeywordShitter 

- Made the export and add all keyword buttons draggable

- Keywords with accents show the correct volumes


- Fixed issue with showing metrics in suggest drop down on Mac machines

- Fixed issue with Google Analytics


- Support for new Google Keyword Planner

- Added star icons to Analyze page

- Added support for amazon.de


- Export CSV button to download all keywords shown on google

- Fixed issue with Enable/Disable metrics

- Fixed issue with Google Search Console


- fixed issue with no data shown at google.com on Mac machines


- Users can download the "People also ask for" keywords and the "Related" keywords in a csv file along with the metrics

- Related keywords are shown as a widget on the right hand side

- Fixed issue with metrics not showing in the etsy search suggestions drop down


- Added the feature to show keywords that people also searched for on Google on the right hand side.

- fixes for GKP


- Fixed issues in AnswerThePublic due to the changes they made


- Fixed issue with the older version of Google Keyword Planner


- Added support for new version of Google Keyword Planner


- Fixed issue with related keywords functionality in Google

- skipped over v6.6 to synchronize chrome & firefox extensions


- Integration with new Google Search Console

- Optimized Analyze this page feature to work with very large pages

- solved certain UI issues with Bing

- new button in bulk upload to add only the highlighted keywords

- multiple small bug fixes

- updated to jquery 3 due to depreciation of jquery 2.x in Firefox


- See metrics directly in the suggest drop downs for Google, YouTube, Bing, Amazon, Ebay & Etsy

-v6.3 Changelog

- Added new functionality to analyze any webpage and get the list of keywords on the page, with their respective densities, volumes, CPC and other metrics.

-v6.2 Changelog

- AnswerThePublic.com added new features. Made changes to add-on to work with these new features

-v6.1 Changelog

- Added support to Etsy

- Fixed issue with YouTube - metrics bar was shown when no search was performed

- Fixed issue with Amazon - metrics not readable when keywords were highlighted

- Fixed issue with Google Analytics

-v6.0 Changelog

- Added support for Bing, Youtube, Amazon & Ebay

- Added option to switch countries from the popup window

- Added option to delete unselected keywords from favorites

- Fixed multiple issues

-v5.11 Changelog

- Fixed bugs

- Made changes for Google trends url change

-v5.10 Changelog

- User can see upto 5000 records on the favorites page

- User can add keywords to favorites from the bulk upload tool

- Keyword Highlighting works on bulk upload tool

- Fix miscellaneous styling issues

-v5.9 Changelog

- Support for Google Keyword Planner

- Fixed issues with bulk uploading keywords with underscore

- added ability to delete all keywords in favorite list in one click

- v5.8 Changelog

- Removed Google Analytics code

- Allow user to change location of metrics under google search box. This fixes the issue that happens when the user has the SEOQuake addon enabled.

-v5.6 Changelog

added competition metric to all the sites and tool (bulk upload & favorites)

-v5.5 Changelog

version require for Firefox addon changes. Skipped for Chrome

- v5.4 Changelog

- user can now edit the keywords in the bulk keyword tool

- user can enable/disable the extension from the popup

- code now supports new website for the extension - keywordseverywhere.com

- fixed issues with foreign characters in favorite keywords, add all keywords button in search console, keywords containing periods

- v5.3 Changelog

- Fixed issues with Google url changes

- Fixed issues with country & currency drop downs in the settings page

- v5.2 Changelog

- Fixed bug with get keyword data on right click

- Fixed bug with API key validation

- Fixed bug with import keywords functionality

- Setting for user to choose what happens when the icon is clicked

- v5.0 Changelog

- Ability to highlight keywords based on a minimum volume and/or CPC value

- Ability to add keywords to list of favorites

- Ability to view and delete favorite keywords  

- v4.3 Changelog

- Improved API reliability

- Show 0 as volume when the keyword has no search volume (instead of blank)

- Fixed issues with Google search

- v4.2 Changelog

- Added option to choose currency to be displayed 

- v4.1 Changelog

- Added a button to validate API Key in settings page

- Show the error message at the top of the page (only at google.com) when no valid API key has been set

- Added button to go to settings on the custom keyword page.

- v4.0 Changelog

- Addition of country specific keyword data. Launched this version with US data. Will be launching new countries every month. Countries scheduled in pipeline - UK, ZA, CA, AU, IN, PL, NZ, IT, ES, DE, NL, BR & FR (in order that they will be added)

- To prevent abuse of the server, every user needs to register for a API key to access the keyword metrics. URL to register API Key - https://keywordseverywhere.com/first-install-addon.html

- Fixed bugs reported by users

-v3.3 Changelog

- needed to reupload v3.2 as a new version due to issue with chrome store.

-v3.2 Changelog

- added support for the new ubersuggest.io (ubersuggest v2)

-v3.1 Changelog

- fixed mulitple issues related to getting metrics for custom keywords.

- moved certain javascript files to the server thereby reducing size of extension

-v3.0 Changelog

- added tool where user can enter any number of keywords and the tool will get the keyword data for all of them

- user can download the list of keywords in a CSV, Excel or PDF file format.

- user can copy the entire list of keywords or print them

- user can select any keyword on any website and use the right click context menu to get the metrics for it 

-v2.2 Changelog

- added support for all countries in Google Trends

-v2.1 Changelog

- fixed UI issues for Soovle

-v2.0 Changelog

- added support for Google Trends

- added support for AnswerThePublic.com

- added support for Soovle.com

- added support for KeywordShitter.com

-v1.3 Changelog

- Fixed issue with FAQ being shown every time extension was reloaded

- Fixed minor UI issues

v1.2 Changelog

- Show FAQ with details on first install

- Fixed minor UI issues on options page

v1.1 Changelog

- Fixed issue with incorrect data shown by at Majestic.com

- Added keyword data to Related Searches at Google










