社会岗位经理 v1.4.13

Social Book Post Manager(社会岗位经理) v1.4.13

  • 版本:v1.4.13
  • 大小:287 KB
  • 语言:English
  • 更新:2021-05-07 11:29:40
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Social Book Post Manager是一款过滤器类别的chrome浏览器插件,目前更新的版本为v1.4.13,语言支持为English,过滤器类别插件评分9.7,目前已被311人关注,本插件由古博延 上传分享。



>>>批量删除Social Book帖子/条目

> > >隐藏/取消隐藏,不像







* Facebook (TM)是Facebook的注册商标。这个扩展的作者决不是与Facebook相关或附属。这个扩展使用绝对没有任何Facebook api,因此它不绑定任何Facebook api许可证。所有出现“Facebook”这个词都是出于描述目的,因此这是合法的。

# deletefacebook

# BoycottFacebook

“Social Book Post Manager”帮助您通过活动日志删除您的帖子,其中包括您的帖子,以及其他人/应用程序的帖子。您可以指定“年”,“月”,“文本包含”和“文本不包含”过滤器来删除帖子。再加上Facebook (TM)提供的活动日志过滤器,您可以完全控制哪些帖子要删除,哪些帖子要保留。最近的新特性:






>>>进程缓慢。它模拟您的鼠标点击一个又一个删除按钮。这是Facebook (TM)的故意限制。没有办法绕过它。<<<


>>>尽量使用过滤器特性,并尝试限制要处理的文章数量。需要处理的数据越多,您的浏览器和Facebook (TM)服务器就越有可能无法正常工作。建议一次处理一个月,除非你确定没有多少帖子剩下来处理。


注意:扫描/删除过程需要很长时间才能完成,这取决于涉及的帖子数量。因为Facebook (TM)不希望用户轻易地删除帖子,他们没有提供任何功能/API来一次删除多个帖子。这个扩展只能过滤/删除帖子一个接一个。没有任何已知的方法可以加速这一过程。请耐心,坐下来,让扩展做它的工作。你可以喝杯咖啡,或者最好让它喝一整晚。











1. 登录到Facebook (TM),进入活动日志。使用活动过滤器选择要删除的文章子集。

2. 单击扩展的按钮打开界面。


4. 点击“删除文章”按钮。扩展将扫描通过您的活动日志和标记所有贴子匹配的条件。

5. 预扫描过程可能需要很长时间,这取决于要删除的帖子的数量。

6. 在预扫描过程结束后,将有一个Confi


>>> Batch delete Social Book posts/items

>>> hide/unhide, unlike

>>> Support All Languages on Social Book



The extension is free to use for everyone.

Please DO NOT duplicate reviews!


* Facebook (TM) is a registered trade mark of Facebook. The author of this extension is by no mean associated or affiliated with Facebook. This extension uses absolutely NO any Facebook APIs, and it's therefore not binding with any Facebook APIs licenses. All the occurrences of the word "Facebook" is for descriptive purpose only, and hence it's legally allowed.



"Social Book Post Manager" helps you to delete your posts through the activity log, which include posts by you, and by other persons/apps. You may specify "Year", "Month", "Text Contains", and "Text Not Contains" filters for posts to delete. Plus the activity log filters provided by Facebook (TM), you have full control of which posts to delete, and which posts to keep. Recent new features:

1) Text filters support AND/OR conditions.

2) Prescan the activity log. You can then select exactly which individual entries that you want to delete/hide/unhide/unlike/change privacy settings.

3) Hide/unhide timeline items.

4) Unlike items.

ALL the features are FREE for you to use, and totally UNLIMITED. If you are satisfied, please leave me some feedback. Also please feel free to give me suggestion, and bug reports if any.

>>> The process is slow. It simulates your mouse click on delete button one-by-one. This is the intentional limitation by Facebook (TM). There is no way to bypass it. <<<

>>> Any other Chrome extension may conflict with this extension. If it's not working, please follow the instruction to remove/disable other Chrome extensions temporarily. Then restart Chrome and try again. <<<

>>> Use filter features as much as possible, and try limit the number of posts to be processed. The more data need to be processed, the more likely your browser and the Facebook (TM) server will fail to function properly. It's recommended to process one month at a time, unless you are sure there isn't many posts left to be processed.<<<


Notes: The scanning/deletion process takes a LONG time to finish, depending on number of posts involved. Because Facebook (TM) does not want the users to easily remove posts, they don't provide any function/API to delete multiple posts at a time. This extension can only filter/delete posts one-by-one. There is no any known method to accelerate this process. Please be patient, sit back, and let the extension does its job. You may have a coffee, or better just let it run through a night.



Privacy and Information Security

1) This extension does not track or record any user information. It does not use cookie or any other mechanism to record users page visits.

2) This extension does not track or record whether a user posts a review, or makes a donation. Whether you review/donate or not will not affect how it works.

3) Because this extension does not store anything anywhere, this app does not support features like auto-retry, user preference, etc. This is designed on purpose. I believe user privacy is much more important than any features, particularly for this Chrome extension.

4) This extension uses Google Analytics API to log which features (delete/hide/unlike, etc.) are being used most by the users, and whether the process runs successfully. The log result is not associated, nor linked with each individual user. The data is purely used by the author to know which features are used most, and whether it's working properly. If you want to be opted-out of this, you can install the Google Analytics Opt-out add-on in https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

5) This extension is completely written in Javascript, and running completely within users Chrome browsers. All the source code can be viewed with Chrome Developer Tools. The code has been analyzed many times by many other developers. The extension has been used by nearly 200,000 users. If there is anything bad, it would have already been reported. You can feel absolutely safe to use it.


Instructions (with "Prescan" option checked):

1. Login to Facebook (TM), go to the Activity Log. Use activity filters to select a subset of posts to delete.

2. Click the extension's button to open the interface.

3. If needed, choose "Year", "Month", "Text Contains" and "Text Not Contains" for posts that you want to delete.

4. Click the "Delete Post" button. The extension will scan through your Activity Log and mark all posts matching the conditions.

5. The prescan process may take a long time, depending on number of posts to be deleted.

6. After the prescan process finishes, there will be a Confirm button shown on top of the Facebook (TM) page. You may verify and uncheck certain posts as desired, then continue to actually delete the posts.

7. When done, the extension reports total number of posts deleted.


Instructions (with "Prescan" option unchecked):

1. Login to Facebook (TM), go to the Activity Log. Use activity filters to select a subset of posts to delete.

2. Click the extension's button to open the interface.

3. If needed, choose "Year", "Month", "Text Contains" and "Text Not Contains" for posts that you want to delete.

4. Click the "Delete Post" button. The extension will scan through your Activity Log and delete all posts matching the conditions.

5. The deletion process may take a long time, depending on number of posts to be deleted.

6. Deleted post counter is displayed in real-time. You may stop the deletion process at any time by clicking the "Stop Now" button.

7. When done, the extension reports total number of posts deleted.


Update History:


Removed all "ace".


Facebook (TM) changed their page layout again, privacy feature no longer works. I had to disable the button of this feature.


1) Add the year 2017.

2) Lower the default speed.

3) Add/modify some instructions.


1) Add option "Speed". This may improve the success rate for slower Internet/PC.

2) UI changes.

3) Bug fixes.


I has to deliberately slow down the batch process of privacy. When the extension is running too fast, Facebook (TM) does not process all the requests.


Bug fixes.


Now the extension can change privacy settings of posts in batch.


Bug fix.


Bug fix.


1) Detect and skip more Facebook (TM) deletion error and continue with the next item.

2) Performance optimization.


The extension will skip deletion error and continue with the next item.


Another another change on Facebook (TM), and Facebook (TM) pages of different languages have DIFFERENT structures!!!


Another change on Facebook (TM)


Facebook (TM) changed some underlying structure. The extension is revised so as to be compatible.


Facebook (TM) Comments can be properly deleted now.


Improvements on search to a specific year-month.


Add more instructions in the popup.


New semi-parallel delete process implementation. It's significantly faster now!


Now the string filters support AND / OR condition operators.


Bug fixes.


Added a Backup button, which links to Facebook (TM) "Download Your Information" page.


Bug fixes and GUI revision.


Major update

1) Added support for on-page prescan of the activity log.

2) Users can manually select/deselect entries to delete.


Optimization - almost 100% eliminated page-out-of-sync issue.


Bug fixes.




Bug fixes.


Bug fixes and optimization.


1) New feature: hide/unhide timeline items.

2) New feature: unlike items.


1) Added text filters for post deletion.

2) Added highlight effect upon text filters.


1) Added real-time display of deletion counter.

2) Added "Stop Now" button for immediate termination of the deletion process.


Optimization to reduce the chance of Page-out-of-sync issue.


Initial Version.



1. In certain scenario, the extension may stop working. Simply reload the Facebook (TM) page, reopen the extension's interface, and start the process again.

2. This extension does not retrieve or store any Facebook (TM) login credential, nor will it retrieve any other information from your Facebook (TM) account.

3. Deleted posts are not recoverable. Please carefully choose the Activity Log filter, the Year, and the Month for deletion. The author shall not take any responsibility for any potential loss of information due to post deletion.

4. I've thoroughly tested the extension upon the Facebook (TM) Activity Log, in multiple language interfaces, including English, French, Chinese, etc. So far, it works perfectly upon all language interfaces.










Social Book Post Manager – 批次刪除或隱藏臉書舊文章,可依月份、關鍵字篩選

臉書雖然有提供刪除舊貼文的功能,可以透過篩選來找到要刪掉的動態、打卡、按讚等,但前提是必須知道關鍵字是什麼,不然還是得慢慢找,今天介紹一款好用的 Chrome 外掛「Social Book Post Manager」,可以設定年份、月份,包含及不包含什麼內容,再看要刪除、隱藏/取消隱藏、不同、備用,然後讓程式去跑,一次處理所有項目,真的很方便,適合需要大量刪除內容的人。


想要一次删除多则Facebook旧贴文该怎么办呢?还在手动一个一个删吗?太麻烦啦!试试使用Social Book Post Manager这款一键快速清除&隐藏大量脸书贴文的Chrome扩展插件吧!可筛选想要移除的贴文年份、月份、包含哪些文字等设置,批量将符合条件的所有贴文通通删掉,快速清理FB动态时报!



SocialBook是团队根据多年为品牌⽹红服务的经验和案列数据而打磨搭建的一站式SAAS平台,包含Youtube, Instagram, Twitch的240万网红资源,是一个实时的数据库和CRM工具。


SocialBook一经推出便获得了行业内的认可,这激励着SocialBook人做出最好的产品,精益求精。 我们中美拥有20多名团队成员,为品牌出海,先锋开路。让全球网红,都为中国品牌助力。

SocialBook受到知名的风险投资支持,在创业圈,帮助更多创业的同行,走向海外。 团队希望越来越多的国内网红与MCN入驻平台,更快更合理地实现全球涨粉和变现。

